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BGC Moncton
15 Everett Street


Childhood Summer Camp Counsellor

Number of positions


Job location

BGC Moncton

Anticipated start date

Language requirement


Job category


Workplace Essential Skills

  • Reading
  • Document use
  • Writing
  • Numeracy
  • Oral communication
  • Working with others
  • Thinking skills
  • Computer use
  • Continuous learning

The early childhood summer camp counselor will be responsible to ensure the safety of children aged 5 to 12. They will work a team member with the director, other staff members, parents and children. The camp counselor will provide daily games and activities that are fun, educational and challenging to the children.

To apply for this position, please send your resume and cover letter to Please indicate the position for which you are applying.

BGC Moncton
15 Everett Street


Sports and Creative Arts Monitor

Number of positions


Job location

BGC Moncton

Anticipated start date

Language requirement


Job category


Workplace Essential Skills

  • Reading
  • Document use
  • Writing
  • Numeracy
  • Oral communication
  • Working with others
  • Thinking skills
  • Computer use
  • Continuous learning

The Sports and Creative Arts Monitor will focus on engaging youth ages 6-12 in fun and safe recreational indoor activities and outdoor activities. They will also encourage youth to express themselves through various artistic mediums. The individual will be required to demonstrate leadership and supervision for developmental activities for youth in keeping with program goals and policies of the agency. They will also be expected to foster leadership skills among the BGC Moncton team.

To apply for this position, please send your resume and cover letter to Please indicate the position for which you are applying.