Community Garden Assistant
Number of positions
Job location
Hampton, NB
Anticipated start date
Language requirement
Job category
Workplace Essential Skills
- Reading
- Writing
- Oral communication
- Working with others
- Thinking skills
- Computer use
- Continuous learning
Assist in the maintenance of the Hampton Community Garden (HCG), and help with food production for the Hampton Food Basket (HFB). This year, students will also be spending 2 days per week at the Hampton High School Food Forest & Garden, helping with maintenance and projects there.
This work will includes:
- preparation of garden beds, including digging, spreading compost, planting and trans-planting;
- care of garden beds through the summer, including weeding;
- harvesting of food from these beds, and cleaning & delivering to Hampton Food Basket;
- document the quantity of food delivered to the Food Basket from the Community Garden